
Evangelion could return in sequel form according to author Hideaki Anno

Neon Genesis Evangelion is undoubtedly one of the most iconic anime in history, being that it has left a mark which remains even today, and with the recent movies released even more people have been instilled in its plot, which ended, but apparently it would not be definitive. A few days ago, in an interview with the author of the work, Hideaki Anno, he left the door open for a sequel to the anime to be produced in the future, so it seems that there is still Evangelion for a while.

The author of Evangelion, Hideaki Anno, plays with the idea of continuing his story.

Hideaki Anno

In a recent interview with the author of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Hideaki Anno, he gave a scoop that surprised all the fans of this franchise, since he left the door open for a future sequel to his most important work to be released in the future. But this was even more surprising because of one of his statements, since he not only sees the possibility of Evangelion having an extension of its story, but he also thinks that this could happen even without him being involved in the process.

In the interview, Anno, gave different phrases, which excited, but also upset all the fans of his works, being the main one the one that talked about how he sees that it is very possible that a new installment, whether spin-off or expansion of Evangelion will happen in the future. But undoubtedly the most striking of all is how he sees possible that some of these new stories will be made by someone else and not exclusively by himself, as he believes that his work is not only limited by his mind, but he sees it as very “free”, that anyone can add their grain of sand.

Another reason why if a new story of his work is made it would not be directed by him is the fact that he is working on a project centered on the anniversary of “Space Battleship Yamato“, which for him is like a small break from so much work done in recent years. With this said, fans were excited about the news of a possible sequel, although they would prefer Anno himself to be involved in some way, if not as director, at least to give the go-ahead on many of the decisions.

Evangelion Rei Ayanami

Evangelion is one of the most important anime sagas in history, not only acclaimed by fans, but also by critics, who place it not only in high positions for its iconic series, but the movies have also achieved great success, making the franchise what it is today. In addition, Evangelion in known worldwide for its opening “Cruel Angels’ Thesis”, performed by Yōko Takahashi and that in most of the lists of the best songs of all time is usually placed in the highest positions.

A few years ago was also released Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon a Time, the last known movie within the universe of the series and that would culminate with its story after many years between the different movies released, being that it became a success within the community and left many of the fans very happy. Now, with these statements from the author, it is expected that in the future new news based on the franchise will be made so that we end up knowing for sure if it will really continue with one of the most important stories in the world of anime.

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