Dragon Ball Heroes is known worldwide for being the main sub-saga derived from the shonen classic, although it was always a spin-off, its popularity led to an anime version released in 2018 that adapted the galactic prison arc. The end comes in the form of a special episode entitled ‘heroes of memories’, which will be an encyclopaedia detailing all the characters’ transformations and adding more context to the whole Dragon Ball story.
Dragon Ball Heroes closes with a flourish
Akira Toriyama’s heir has also done his part to make this Heroes finale, as Toyotaro made a special illustration detailing a small chronology of the Heroes characters’ transformations and added a thank you for all the fans who faithfully followed this beloved franchise for 14 years. Even though it was practically outside the canon, Heroes created a very large fandom base, because by not being linked to the main DB saga, it lent itself to presenting us with eye-catching scenarios along with fights that seemed to come out of our imagination.
It’s funny, but many people think that Heroes was created apart from a manga, but that’s not the case, as this IP was born as an arcade game for Japan and this game had a certain connection with Xenoverse. Heroes also explored the now worn out idea of the multiverse, hence the amount of crazy fights that could be produced in this saga and that’s why thanks to the popularity it achieved in a short time the idea was transferred to a manga and later in an anime.
Although there are still no details of its somewhat sudden cancellation, it was most likely done out of respect for Toriyama, as he was in charge of a part of the story and as we had his sad demise recently, the most sensible thing to do was to cancel the story. Be that as it may, there is no doubt that Dragon Ball Heroes will go down in posterity as one of the best spin-offs ever created in the world of anime, and fans will always remember the crazy adventures we were presented with in this Dragon Ball spin-off.
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