Dragon Ball Daima is one of the projects that with the death of its author Akira Toriyama remained for a while in “pending” status, now their respective production companies give signs of life for this project and even begin to launch publicity about it. Let’s remember that Dragon Ball Daima is the successor animated series to Dragon Ball Super, which is close to premiere on approximately October 1, 2024. It will be produced by Toei Animation and Shueisha, under story and character concepts of the original author Akira Toriyama.
Dragon Ball Daima releases promotional visual for anime and fans are angry
The image above is what Toei Animaton considered appropriate to release as visual art, promoting the long awaited Dragon Ball Daima anime. If you take a quick look at this promo you would think it’s adequate, cute or decent, but if you take a closer look or if you have notions and/or knowledge in design and image editing, you will realize that it’s actually a rather poor, flat and even disappointing promotional art.
The image consists of a yellow gradient background with a kind of light beam effect, on the left side we have Shen Long, the dragon that in this universe grants wishes and appears when someone gathers the Dragon Ball from Earth. On the right side we have Goku, it is at this point where opinions about the visual art begin to be generated. Although this is the Goku that will be presented in the Dragon Ball Daima anime, it is the way in which this illustration has been handled that made fans totally dissatisfied at the time of launching this promo.
Let’s start by remembering that this is the first time that the studio has advertised the new Dragon Ball Daima anime since its official unveiling. When this promotional art was uploaded to the internet, it sparked a notorious disagreement from fans, as they were not at all happy with this type of work, where more than promoting, it is seen that they are only complying with the fact of uploading something to networks, which is commonly known as “delivering on the fly”.
Fans categorized this visual as a promotional image of quick editing, where they even claim that you can see the outline around the word “Daima” originating from the PNG that was used. Something similar is allegedly happening with the other elements in this visual. Fans completely rejected this visual, because for them it is just a “collage” that they were given, where you can see that they put Shen Long’s PNG, Goku’s PNG, and the titles of the anime.
Although the animation studio boasts that it is the new promotional visual art of the anime, the truth is different, as it is very little real promotion they have done to the anime. Although this is understandable to a certain extent, since the death of the author put in check many of the projects that were being carried out under his direction and vision. However, few have been the updates that have been made to this project, even with a premiere date in about 5 months.
Finally, the factor that made fans despair the most was the fact that we have been seeing that little Goku holding the staff in everything related to Dragon Ball Daima, proving to be tiring for fans to see this image over and over again, now in images that are becoming more and more questionable. It only remains to wait for the long-awaited date to arrive and see if in these months the promotion around the series gives a needed 180° turn.
Dragon Ball Daima has a heavy task, as it will debut at the end of the year to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the franchise, so its arrival in the Dragon Ball universe is very important for fans, the anime is set after the defeat of Majin Buu, but before the first episode of Dragon Ball Super. It is speculated that this story will have a huge connection with what has been seen so far in the manga, although data on this is still very vague.
(C) バードスタジオ/集英社・フジテレビ・東映アニメーション
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