In order to promote the broadcast of the anime adaptation of the manga “Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi” (Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!), the renowned Japanese company DMM Scratch announced a collaboration with the TV anime that will feature Minami Fuyuki as one of the main characters of the event.
This collaboration will consist of the development of some special products, including a curious mouse pad that will have an illustration of Minami Fuyuki printed on it and is scheduled to be released for sale during the month of May this year. In the illustration, we will be able to see how Minami wears a revealing fox outfit that highlights her huge frontal attributes.
Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi: Minami Fuyuki’s mouse pad highlights her attributes
However, that’s not all, as it has also been announced that a lottery will be held where several products will be raffled as prizes for those who purchase the winning ticket. These products will be inspired by the characters Minami Fuyuki, Sayuri Akino and Rena Natsukawa and the prizes are as follows:
Acrylic Smartphone Holder (Prize A), Transparent Carabiner (Prize B), Acrylic Mini Figures (Prize C), Tin Badges (Prize D) and Sticker Set (Prize E). Additionally, it was announced that the Minami Fuyuki mouse pad will be available as one of the prizes for this lottery (Prize W).
The manga Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi, also known as Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! in the West, is written and illustrated by Kai Ikada. Publication of this work kicked off in September 2019 through the Shonen Jump+ service of renowned publisher Shueisha. Currently, the manga Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi has a total of 12 compilation volumes, which have been released by Shueisha publishing house.
The anime adaptation of the manga “Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi” (Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!) began broadcasting on Japanese television on January 8 of this year. The series will consist of a total of 12 episodes and is being legally simulcast in Latin America through the Crunchyroll platform. In addition, the animation studios Silver Link and Blade are in charge of its production.
“Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi” presents the story of Tsubasa Shiki, a newcomer from Tokyo who moves to the frigid Hokkaido region in the dead of winter. In a misunderstanding, Tsubasa gets out of a cab in the wrong town, discovering that his true destination is a three-hour walk away in the middle of an unforgiving winter landscape.
In this cold and challenging environment, Tsubasa encounters Minami Fuyuki, a charming gyaru dosanko (born and raised in Hokkaido) who braves the cold temperatures in her signature attire of short skirts and bare legs. From this encounter, the story promises to explore Tsubasa’s unique experiences as she adapts to her new life in Hokkaido, and how Minami’s vibrant personality defies the climatic conventions of the region.
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