The successful anime adaptation of the light novel “Date A Live”, written by Koushi Tachibana and illustrated by Tsunako, brings an exciting surprise for its fans as it has announced a collaboration with the Japanese company Curtain Damashii, which promises to leave people impressed by what will be offered.
According to the information shared on Curtain Damashii’s official media, this collaboration with the anime Date A Live will consist of the opening of a “POP UP SHOP” store where an attractive line of exclusive products for this event will be exhibited, which will be inspired by the characters Tohka Yatogami, Kurumi Tokisaki, Kotori Itsuka, Origami Tobiichi and Yoshino Himekawa. The collaboration was presented together with a promotional image.
Date A Live’s beautiful waifus surprise their fans in attractive event
For this new special collaboration between the company Curtain Damashii and the television anime Date A Live, Curtain Damashii has prepared great surprises for fans and the products that will be exhibited at this event will have the waifus of this franchise wearing a beautiful swimsuit that will highlight the feminine charm and physical attributes of each one of them.
Curtain Damashii’s official website specified that this special collaboration is scheduled to take place from September 14 to 29 this year. In addition, a second exhibition is scheduled to take place from October 12 to 27 of the same year.
Some of the products that will be on display at each of these events will be the following: Curtains, Extra Large Tapestry, Original Tapestry B2, Acrylic Figures, Rubber Mat, Acrylic Key Ring, Commercial Badges, Acrylic Mini Figures, among other things. Next, we will introduce the visuals of the characters Tohka Yatogami, Kurumi Tokisaki, Kotori Itsuka, Origami Tobiichi and Yoshino Himekawa that will be used in each of the products.
Facts about Date A Live:
Date A Live is a romantic comedy, harem and fantasy light novel written by Koushi Tachibana and illustrated by Tsunako. The light novel began to be published in Fujimi Fantasia Bunko imprint of Fujimi Shobo publishing house since March 2011 and reached its end in March 2020.
The work has a manga adaptation illustrated by Ringo. The manga began its serialization in April 2012, but due to the illustrator’s health problems, the manga was canceled after 6 chapters.
On March 31, 2013, the Date A Live light novel released its anime adaptation which consisted of a total of 5 seasons (58 episodes), 2 OVAS, 3 movies. In addition, animation studios AIC PLUS+ (1st season), Production IMS (2nd season), J.C. Staff (3rd season) were in charge of the production of the anime, while animation studio Geek Toys was in charge of the production of the fourth and fifth season of the series.
The anime Date A Live is legally available in America through the Crunchyroll platform, who made a American dub for the series.
©2023 橘公司・つなこ/KADOKAWA/「デート・ア・ライブⅤ」製作委員会
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