The renowned company “Taito Toys” has prepared a truly special surprise for the fervent followers of the Date a Live franchise, and more specifically for those who have the captivating Kurumi Tokisaki as their favorite waifu. Through its official media, it was announced with great enthusiasm the release of an exceptionally detailed and faithful figure of this character so beloved by the community.
It is important to highlight that this magnificent figure is part of the distinguished “Aqua Float Girls” line of the company Taito Toys. This collection stands out for presenting diverse waifus in a summer environment, showing them with dazzling swimsuits and characteristic floats designed especially for the occasion.
Kurumi Tokisaki of Date a Live shows all her attractive beauty in figure.
The great care with which this figure has been designed reflects “Taito Toys” commitment to quality in each of its products, and every feature, from the intricate details of her outfit to the captivating expression on Kurumi’s face, has been reproduced with stunning accuracy. The vibrant colors and carefully crafted texture add an extra level of realism to this collectible piece.
For devoted Kurumi Tokisaki fans and passionate figure collectors, this upcoming release is certainly a must-see event. Capturing the essence and beauty of one of the Date a Live franchise’s most beloved characters, this figure from Taito Toys‘ “Aqua Float Girls” line will become a centerpiece in any collection dedicated to this captivating series.
This product is already in circulation and is on display in several arcade centers located in different cities in Japan.
The “Date a Live” saga immerses us in a reality transformed by cosmic events that have left an indelible mark on human history. Three decades ago, a cataclysm known as the “space earthquake” shook the Eurasian continent, claiming the lives of millions and generating mysterious vibrations that still resonate in the present. Although today’s space earthquakes are less devastating in magnitude, they persist as a constant reminder of the fragility of human existence.
In the midst of this chaos, we follow in the footsteps of Shidou Itsuka, a high school student whose seemingly ordinary life takes an unexpected turn. When a space earthquake threatens the city of Tengu, Shidou bravely springs into action, only to be caught in an explosion that irreversibly alters his destiny. At that precise moment, his path crosses that of an enigmatic young woman, triggering a series of events that will plunge him into a hidden world full of dangers.
It turns out that this enigmatic young woman is a “Spirit,” an entity from an unknown plane whose mere presence triggers the dreaded space earthquakes. As Shidou delves deeper into this enigma, he is drawn into a conflict of cosmic dimensions. On the one hand, the Anti-Spirit Team seeks the relentless elimination of these entities, considered a threat. On the other hand, a third group known as “Ratatoskr”, led by Shidou’s younger sister, Kotori, believes in the redemption of the Spirits and proposes a bold alternative: to conquer them through love.
This is how our protagonist finds himself in a unique and challenging situation: he must face a race against time to win the hearts of these enigmatic entities and thus prevent catastrophic disasters. The plot unfolds with unexpected twists and turns, intense emotions and comical situations, as Shidou embarks on peculiar dates and adventures in pursuit of a mission that could save both the Spirits and the entire world.
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