
Crunchyroll wants to use AI in anime and fans are terrified

Crunchyroll has been in the crosshairs of many people due to the merger it had with the Funimation platform after acquiring it and not presenting a solution to some problems of these users, but a few days ago the CEO of Crunchyroll spoke about this fact and also took the opportunity to talk about the use of AI’s to deliver anime in the shortest possible time for the public.

Crunchyroll speaks out on AI’s and users affected by Funimation’s closure


All this was made known through an interview with The Verge, in which Crunchyroll president Rahul Purini was questioned about how he would compensate Funimation users who lost access to their digital library due to the merger of these two companies, as many will remember in the past months, to which the CEO of Crunchyroll answered the following:

“[We are] working very hard directly with each [customer] to make sure they have adequate value for what they initially got in the digital copy.” “As people reach out to us through customer service, we respond and handle each of those requests as they prefer.”

As seen in the interview, there is still no specific general measure to compensate Funimation users who were affected by this merger that left many people without access to their libraries and the content they watched before the platform closed, so it only remains to wait for them to make a statement about this loss they suffered. But even so, those who want to try, can contact customer service so they can give them a possible solution to this.


Crunchyroll also announced in the last hours that it will be testing the use of AI’s to create subtitles in several languages for the titles it has on the platform, this to facilitate the work of people and that anime fans can watch their favorite series in several languages. An offer that sounds attractive at first, since it would open more doors to international fans, but it would certainly create concern for the jobs of the people who perform these translations.

So far it is only known that they will be testing it to see how efficient this tool would be and how feasible it is to use it to have the international premieres closer to the Japanese premieres, certainly a tool that would change in some way the way to bring us our favorite series in a short time after the Japanese premiere, so we will have to be aware of how this new development evolves and it seems that it will bring hope to the fans.


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