The Crunchyroll platform has announced excellent news for fans of the successful Dragon Ball franchise, announcing through their respective official media the upcoming arrival of the anime Dragon Ball Daima, the latest project of the legendary Akira Toriyama, to their catalog.
According to information presented on Crunchyroll’s official website, the anime series “Dragon Ball Daima” is scheduled to premiere on its platform on October 11 of this year and will reach the territories of North America, Central America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. New information about its arrival or the possibility of an English dubbing could be announced next month.
Crunchyroll announced the arrival of Dragon Ball Daima anime to its platform.
It is worth noting that this new animated project in the Dragon Ball franchise had the direct participation of Akira Toriyama, who is credited with the original work, story writer and character designs. The production team of Dragon Baill Daima is as follows: Aya Komaki is directing the anime. Toei Animation animation studio Toei Animation is in charge of production. Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru is in charge of the animation character design. Yuko Kakihara is in charge of the anime adaptation and scenario.
The new anime project of the Dragon Ball franchise was announced in October 2023, during the “New York Comic Con 2023” event. At that time, the title of this series “Dragon Ball Daima” was revealed.
Facts about Dragon Ball:
The manga Dragon Ball is written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama, and began its publication in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine of the Japanese publisher Shueisha between 1984 and 1995. The manga has 519 printed chapters, which were compiled in 42 volumes in total.
Two years after its release, Toei Animation released the anime adaptation of the manga, which covered approximately the first half of the work. After its broadcasting ended in 1989 in Japan, Toei released the continuation of the series, entitled Dragon Ball Z, which incorporated the missing content of the manga.
On February 7, 1996, the original Dragon Ball GT anime was released, which consisted of a total of 64 episodes and had the particularity that Akira Toriyama was not part of the production staff of the series. Once again, the animation studio Toei Animation was in charge of the production of the series under the direction of Osamu Kasai.
20 years after the end of the manga, Akira Toriyama together with Toyotarou announced the manga “Dragon Ball Super” which began its publication through the magazine V Jump of the publishing house Shueisha since June 2015.
In July 2015, the anime adaptation of the manga Dragon Ball Super would be released, which would be produced by the animation studio Toei Animation, under the direction of Kimitoshi Chioka, Morio Hatano, Kohei Hatano, among others.
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