In order to promote and celebrate the premiere of the third season of the anime adaptation of the light novel “Classroom of the Elite” (Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e), the prestigious Japanese magazine Megami Magazine of the Gekkan publishing house has captivated fans of the franchise by including in its most recent issue a beautiful illustration featuring the character Kei Karuizawa.
Kei Karuizawa of Classroom of the Elite shows her beauty in visuals
The dazzling visual image of the character Kei Karuizawa was featured in the February 2024 issue of Megami Magazine and has managed to capture the attention of the otaku public. In this captivating representation, Kei is presented in a beautiful yukata adorned with floral designs, an outfit that not only highlights her innate elegance, but also enhances the dazzling beauty that characterizes her and that has so enamored Classroom of the Elite fans.
Let’s remember that the third season of the TV anime “Classroom of the Elite” is currently airing and is being streamed legally and simultaneously through the Crunchyroll platform. It should be noted that new episodes of the new installment of Classroom of the Elite are released on Crunchyroll every Wednesday.
The light novel “Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e“, also known as Classroom of the Elite in the West, is a drama written by Shougo Kinugasa and illustrated by Shunsaku Tomose. It began publication under the MF Bunko J imprint of Media Factory publishing house in May 2015.
It is relevant to note that the work features a new arc called “Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e: 2-Nensei-hen” (Classroom of the Elite: 2nd Year), which kicked off its plot from volume #15 of the light novel.
On July 12, 2017, the light novel Classroom of the Elite premiered its anime adaptation which consisted of 2 seasons (25 episodes in total). In addition, the animation studio Lerche was in charge of the production of the series under the direction of Seiji Kishi.
“Classroom of the Elite” introduces us to the prestigious Koudo Ikusei Senior High School, an institution where students enjoy unparalleled freedom and boasts a privileged position in Japan. However, the reality is far from idealized, as only the elite classes, ranked from A to D according to their performance, receive preferential treatment.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, a Class D student, whose placement is reserved for those with less outstanding grades, is the protagonist of this story. In this setting, she crosses paths with Suzune Horikita, a reserved classmate who believes her assignment to Class D was a mistake and aspires to move up to Class A, and Kikyou Kushida, a popular and friendly classmate who appears to be friendly, but has her own goals.
Although class membership is permanent, classifications are not. Students in lower classes can move up if they manage to outperform in grades those in higher classes. Moreover, in Class D, there are no limitations on the methods that can be employed to excel. In this unforgiving school environment, will students succeed in excelling and rising to the top?
© 衣笠彰梧・KADOKAWA刊/ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ製作委員会
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