In order to promote the broadcast of the anime adaptation of the manga “Mato Seihei no Slave” (Chained Soldier), the figure division of the Japanese company Pony Canyon, Pony Canyon Figure, has captivated the public by presenting an irresistible 1/7 scale figure that is inspired by the character Kyouka Uzen, the female protagonist of the Chained Soldier franchise.
Additionally, it was specified that this 1/7 scale figure of Kyouka Uzen is scheduled to be released for sale in Japan in September of this year.
Chained Soldier: Kyouka Uzen figure shows his attributes
For this attractive Kyouka Uzen figure, the “Pony Canyon Figure” division has focused on highlighting the sensual side of the female protagonist of the anime “Chained Soldier“. We are presented with the waifu completely undressed and in her underwear.
Something that fans of the Chained Soldier franchise have noted about this product is how the sculptor has focused on highlighting Kyouka’s physical attributes. One of the screenshots of the figure shows the work that has been done to give the character’s bust some volume, making it irresistible to the viewer’s eye. In addition, the detail applied to the stockings makes it impossible not to pay attention to Kyouka Uzen’s thighs, thanks to the tight perspective she appears to have.
According to the information presented on the official “amiami” website this Kyouka Uzen figure will be 125 mm tall and will be available at a price of 22,800 yen, which is equivalent to $153.91 US dollars approximately.
“Mato Seihei no Slave“, also known as “Chained Soldier” in the West, is a manga spanning the action, fantasy and harem genres, and is written by Takahiro and illustrated by Youhei Takemura. The work began publication in Shueisha publisher Shueisha’s Jump Comics+ digital magazine in January 2019. To date, Shueisha Publishing has released a total of 15 compilation volumes.
Due to the great reception by the public, the Chained Soldier manga confirmed its anime adaptation, which premiered on television in Japan on January 3 this year. The animation studio Severn Arcs is in charge of its production and a few weeks ago it was confirmed that the series will consist of a total of 12 episodes.
“Chained Soldier” plunges us into a Japan beset by the appearance of portals to the parallel dimension known as “Mato”. In this scenario, an enigmatic resource called “Peaches” emerges, which grants exceptional abilities exclusively to women. However, along with this new power, the fearsome “Yomotsu Shuuki” emerge, monsters responsible for devastating disasters.
Faced with this threat, the government establishes the exclusive “Anti-Demon Corps”, an elite unit composed of women gifted with the gift of Peaches. In this context, Yuuki Wakura, an ordinary high school student, finds himself immersed in this dazzling and dangerous world when he gets lost in a Mato portal.
His fate becomes intertwined with that of Kyouka Uzen, leader of the Seventh Unit of the Anti-Demon Corps. Recognizing the latent potential in Yuuki and the need for his collaboration to enhance the power of the Peaches, he presents him with a unique proposal: join the corps as his “slave”. This alliance promises to take Yuuki down an unexpected path, filled with challenges and revelations that could prove more rewarding than he could have ever imagined.
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