The official media of the Japanese company “Eureka” announced a special collaboration with the anime adaptation of Takahiro and Youhei Takemura’s ecchi manga “Chained Soldier” (Mato Seihei no Slave), which will feature the captains of the Sixth and Seventh divisions of the Special Anti-Demon Corps, known as Tenka Izumo and Kyouka Uzen.
It should be noted that this collaboration between the Japanese company “Eureka” and the TV anime “Chained Soldier” will consist of the production of an irresistible line of products that will be inspired by the characters Kyouka Uzen and Tenka Izumo. Additionally, a promotional image has been released for this special event that will show the most attractive side of these fan-loved waifus.
Chained Soldier’s Kyouka Uzen and Tenka Izumo star in attractive collaboration
As mentioned above, this collaboration will offer the public a considerable amount of unmissable products that will be inspired by the captains of the Special Anti-Demon Corps, Kyouka Uzen and Tenka Izumo, which will be made available to the public through a lottery that will be held in Japan this April 26 and will end next May 27 this year.
As some will guess, these products will be raffled off in this special lottery and will be given to those people who purchase the winning ticket for the respective prizes. Some of these products that have been produced for this special event are as follows: Dakimakura Case (Prize S), 3D Mouse Pad (Prize A), Fabric Poster (Prize B), Acrylic Figures (Prize C), Tin Badges (Prize D), Bromide size 2L (Prize E), among other products that will come as a benefit.
It is worth noting that these Kyouka Uzen and Tenka Izumo products will be printed, for the most part, with the illustration presented in the promotional image. To the delight of fans of these waifus, we will now present a full version of these illustrations of Kyouka and Tenka covered with bathrobes that will allow you to see their enormous physical attributes.
“Mato Seihei no Slave“, also known as “Chained Soldier” in the West, is a manga spanning the action, fantasy and harem genres, and is written by Takahiro and illustrated by Youhei Takemura. The work began publication in Shueisha publisher Shueisha’s Jump Comics+ digital magazine in January 2019. To date, Shueisha Publishing has released a total of 15 compilation volumes.
Thanks to the great reception from the public, the Chained Soldier manga confirmed its anime adaptation, which premiered on television in Japan on January 3 this year. The animation studio Severn Arcs is in charge of its production and a few weeks ago it was confirmed that the series will consist of a total of 12 episodes.
At the end of the broadcast of episode #12 of the series, the official website of the TV anime “Chained Soldier” announced the production of a second season for the series. However, not much information has been released about this new installment of the anime, so we recommend keeping an eye on Chained Soldier’s respective official media so you don’t miss any updates.
“Chained Soldier” is set in a Japan affected by the opening of portals to a parallel dimension known as “Mato”. In this scenario, a mysterious phenomenon called “Peaches” arises, which grants extraordinary abilities exclusively to women. However, along with this new power, the fearsome “Yomotsu Shuuki” appear, beings responsible for unleashing devastating disasters.
Faced with this imminent threat, the government establishes the select “Anti-Demon Corps”, an elite unit composed of women gifted with the gift of “Peaches”. In the midst of this situation, Yuuki Wakura, an ordinary high school student, is drawn into this fascinating and dangerous universe when he gets lost in a Mato portal.
His fate becomes intertwined with that of Kyouka Uzen, the leader of the Seventh Unit of the “Anti-Demon Corps.” Recognizing the latent potential in Yuuki and the need for his collaboration to enhance the power of the “Peaches”, she makes him a singular proposal: join the corps as her “ally”. This alliance promises to lead Yuuki down unexpected paths, full of challenges and revelations that could prove more enriching than he could have ever imagined.
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