Recently a debate was opened among those who are lovers of Boys Love and it seems that there are fans who are outraged and somewhat annoyed with others because they have boyfriends. Apparently, the fact that you like BL stories makes you lose some sensitivity for real life relationships and even more so if they are between a heterosexual couple.
Boys Love lovers cannot have a partner or any other relationship with someone in real life.
Hardcore fans have made their point of view known, and it consists of the fact that a person who loves Boys Love does not see relationships in the same way as another ordinary person, hence there is a certain rejection of having a partner. “Women are the ones who put up with the fear of pregnancy…We have to spend money on makeup and clothes for men, but men don’t have to spend that much, and they still earn an average salary…so I don’t think it’s worth it to have a relationship between a man and a woman in today’s world.”
“Real men are hairy, dirty, rude, loud, scary, and seriously, I think they are detrimental to women”, “I have no interest in three-dimensional men, in fact I hate them”, “What kind of people fall in love and get married in real life? “, “I also don’t like the trend in society where it is considered normal for a man and a woman to be together”, “First of all, in love the woman only loses and doesn’t get any benefit”, these are some comments left by female fans who completely reject couple relationships.
And this rejection does not only apply to female fans, but also to male fans or, in other words, boys who like Boys Love, who have been harassed on many occasions by some female fans who have taken fiction to reality too far. Here too, the fact that they have a partner or are in love with someone in flesh and blood is not right.
On the other hand, we come across those people who are of the opinion that anyone can be with anyone regardless of your tastes, in this case, their taste in Boys Love, if it makes you happy there is nothing more important. “But isn’t it in the community of this genre where we can sympathize with each other without being blamed for this abnormal thinking?”, “You can create your ideal love world as much as you want”, “Otaku hobbies were a “salvation” for people like me, but I am appalled that people who think there is a way to live outside of otaku hobbies are entering this realm with a sense of fashion”.
These users claim that it is perfectly normal that nowadays a person who loves Boys Love, an otaku or a gamer, have a partner and what is really great is that now this kind of “labels” are seen more normally day by day. Although the use of these terms is still a bit derogatory with the passage of time has been normalized and now no one is insulted as before, this perfectly we could see in the anime “Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku”.
There is no doubt that Boys Love is gaining more and more ground with its entertaining stories and that’s what we talked about recently in this article. No fandom is perfect and no matter what your tastes are, you are always going to find people who think differently from you, respect is an important base that sustains fandoms and this exists to exchange opinions about what we love. What do you think about all this debate between fans?
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