The official media for the anime adaptation of the manga Ao no Hako (Blue Box) has unveiled the first video teaser for the series. This exciting teaser was revealed at the “Jump Festa 2024” event, which featured a live performance by two prominent cast members: talented voice actress Reina Ueda, who will play Chinatsu Kano, and voice actor Shouya Chiba, who will play Taiki Inomata.
Blue Box anime reveals its first trailer
Additionally, the teaser video revealed a new voice cast member for the anime adaptation of “Blue Box” and it was made official that the talented voice actress Akari Kitou, known for playing Nezuko Kamado in “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba“, will take on the role of the character Hina Chouno in this new series.
But that’s not all, as it was also confirmed that the animation studio in charge of producing the anime adaptation of “Blue Box” will be Telecom Animation Film.
As we have previously mentioned, the participation of the Blue Box franchise in the Jump Festa 2024 event was announced quite some time ago. The popular belief was that the manga would announce its respective anime adaptation at this event, however, the production of an anime series based on Kouji Miura’s manga was announced last November 19 of this year.
“Blue Box” introduces viewers to Taiki Inomata, a junior high school student at the prestigious Eimei Academy. Set in an integrated school environment with an outstanding sports program, the story follows Taiki’s life after joining the school’s badminton team. However, his daily routine takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself constantly coming in second at practice, always outclassed by the talented Chinatsu Kano, a high school freshman and Taiki’s crush.
Chinatsu, the rising star of the basketball team, represents both a challenge and an inspiration to Taiki. Despite being a decent badminton player, Taiki struggles with the popularity gap that separates him from Chinatsu. Although it seems unlikely that their feelings will be reciprocated, fate takes a surprising turn when Chinatsu ends up living in Taiki’s house.
Wanting to become a worthy rival for Chinatsu and face her on equal terms, Taiki embarks on an intense training journey. His goal: to participate in the Nationals. The plot unfolds between athletic competition, personal challenges and the building of a deeper connection between Taiki and Chinatsu.
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