The long awaited final episode of Attack on Titan will be released worldwide and with this episode will come the end of a story that has been present in the lives of many anime fans, so it would not be strange that the last chapter becomes a trend for a while in social networks, but as always there are people who are against the popularity of the most relevant anime today.
On this occasion, a group of people who have no appreciation for Attack on Titan made several publications in which they claimed to be planning to ruin the end of the last episode by leaking it before its premiere, to which many fans who have been following the series took very seriously these threats and have shown their discontent on social networks.
Fans claim to sabotage Attack on Titan premiere
As always there are people who express their dissatisfaction with particular series and this time Attack on Titan is no exception, the people who made the publications claimed that they would leak the episode before it premiered on the 4th of this month, all to make them delay the release of the final episode and thus prevent the return of this highly anticipated series, but there are several fans who see these threats as something empty, only created to make Attack on Titan fans are afraid that this would happen.
And it is quite difficult, if not impossible, that these threats become a reality, since for this they would need a person who is directly connected to MAPPA to provide them with the material they are talking about and this is almost impossible to be carried out, so they are most likely only empty threats that seek to ruin the excitement and expectations of Attack on Titan fans, so there is no need to worry that this threat will be carried out.
Although these threats will not be carried out, it would be most likely that as there are only a few hours left for the premiere of the last episode of Attack on Titan, fans who do not want to be ruined by possible leaks or spoilers at the time of the premiere, will leave aside the social networks to avoid any possible surprise, since as usual there are people who seek to comment on what happened in the last chapter and more with a premiere of this size, which will surely have many people talking about it on the internet.
Let’s remember that the last chapter of Attack on Titan is about to premiere this Saturday, November 4, and not surprisingly, Crunchyroll has the exclusive rights to this last chapter, so we must get ready to see this long awaited ending, that after 10 years we will finally see the exciting conclusion of this great story that has thrilled thousands of fans around the world, we just have to wait a little longer to say goodbye to Attack on Titan.
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