Attack on titan, the popular anime series that aired its final episode last year, has a pair of dakimakuras (huggable pillows) distributed by Movic by Eren Yeager and Levi Ackerman, which will leave more than one fan sighing. Among the most popular characters are Mikasa Ackerman, Erwin Smith and Hange Zoë, however, who take the crown are Eren and Levi, not only for their handsome design, but for the role they play in this story.
Now you can sleep with Eren and Levi from Attack on Titan thanks to these adorable dakimakuras.
The dakimakuras of these Attack on Titan husbandos are illustrations of them as if they were wounded in battle. Starting with the front image of the sleeves, the uniforms they wear are the classic Legion of Reconnaissance uniforms consisting of knee-high chocolate brown boots; the iconic belt that allows them to use the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment; white pants ripped near the thigh dyed the red of their rusty blood; a T-shirt and a shirt ripped at the chest and waist respectively; and finally, the distinctive chest-length vest with long brown sleeves.
Likewise, on the back, the image can be seen with a close-up and with two color accents, one in the upper left corner and the other in the lower right corner. In the first one is written the name of the anime: Attack on Titan and in the second one, the name of the respective character, Eren Yeager and Levi Ackerman. Likewise, the first one has the accent in reddish brown color and the second one is in forest green color.
As expected, although the story came to an end, otaku merchandising does not seem to be close to stop being produced. The popular website chara-ami is in charge of selling these products distributed by Movic and, although this design showing vulnerable Eren and Levi is new, it is well known that the presentation of character images printed on long pillowcases is always a hit with fans. Who wouldn’t want to hug and take care of a wounded Levi or Eren? I’m in.
These 2 new Attack on Titan products are now available from the official Chara-ani website at a cost of 9,900 ($68 approx.) yen including tax. The measures of these new dakimakuras are 150 cm long and 50 cm wide. Undoubtedly, a very attractive product for those who are fans of these two boys who are surely far from ceasing to be the favorite characters of this successful series.
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