Surely there are one or several anime that you can return to thousands of times without getting tired of them and you may even know dialogues or scenes by heart. Probably, they have become an important part of your life and have marked some part of it, that’s why you come back to these stories. But, has the opposite happened to you? Where you see one that amazes you and when you watch it again it loses that touch that hooked you the first time. Well, a user on Reddit started a discussion by posting just that question in a forum, and many people began to share their experiences. Stay reading this article to know all the details.
These anime lost their charm for fans when watching them again
User Caprine-Evisc on Reddit was the one who started this debate by asking which anime they had loved when they first watched it, but stopped liking after watching it again. After this question, she added a comment of her own saying, “The downside of having favorites is that time goes by, you grow up, you change and see new things, your opinions and perceptions of things change. So anime that you thought were awesome 10 years ago become boring and somewhat disappointing. What anime did you like or enjoy and it disappointed you when you watched it one more time? Do you still like anime or was it ruined for you?”
Mine might be “A Silent Voice.” I loved it when it came out recently and still do. However, as a teenager it all felt different and I viewed it with much greater value. Now, as an adult, I watch it and still love it, but I see the characters and their behaviors differently. So I was bummed to lose some of that nostalgia.” With this, other users of the platform began to share their opinions and curiously most of the anime named, are those that many of us remember from our childhood or adolescence. Among some of the most repeated ones are Naruto, Sailor Moon, Death Note and Code Geass.
About Death Note and Code Geass, it was mostly commented that when watching these anime they initially thought they were incredible stories; however, the people who chose them were teenagers when they came across them and as the years went by, they noticed that the characters were only “smarter than anyone they know, but they had no way to substantiate it”, that is, that this ability to be more cunning than the rest of the characters was not really based on a solid argument that could demonstrate a logical reason why they were classified in this way. It also seemed to them that this “cat and mouse” game between the characters was something very out of children’s cartoons.
One person used a quote from Doctor Who to explain his point, first commenting that he thought it was okay to develop new tastes and opinions as we grow older, he later quoted the phrase “We are all different people throughout our lives, we all change and we should keep moving forward. It’s okay, as long as you remember the person you used to be.” This brought various reactions from Reddit users, one of them agreeing with this person and adding that he tends to be sad to remember many of the things he used to like, but he can remember why he liked them and also that he probably currently consumes things that in a few years he will find terrible, but that shouldn’t stop him from enjoying them now.
Someone else said that the expectations I currently had had increased, the more anime you had, the bigger the gap between the top and the average became, so you had more criteria. Part of this was also related to nostalgia, which made you impartial when judging them, this user said that he usually criticizes many of the new anime, but when he watches the old ones, they usually have the same problems, sometimes in a better or worse way. And yes, our tastes really evolve as we grow up, so it is quite logical that we stop watching things with the same affection we used to do a few years ago.
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