In the community of old-school anime fans, there are few series as infamous as School Days. Based on the visual novel of the same name, this anime aired in 2007 and caused a huge stir due to its disturbing ending. Over the years, it remained one of the most iconic romance series in history, so now, more than 17 years since its original release, we can still find strange merchandise, like this new perfume line.
Now you can smell like the School Days characters.
The Japanese perfume and cologne brand known as Fairytail Parfum has just unveiled this line of perfumes based on the iconic characters from the School Days anime. First, there is the main character, Makoto Ito. Her perfume is described as “a selfish fragrance reminiscent of primal desires and emits a captivating impression” and has notes of citron, cranberry, rose, apple, syrup and musk. It sounds like a rich rich perfume, but the fact that a character with such an unfortunate fate is depicted in this way is a bit funny.
But there are also two other perfumes based on Makoto Ito’s two romantic interests in School Days. On the one hand, the Katsura Kotoba fragrance is described as “subtle, yet softly sweet and beautiful” and that it “conveys the overwhelmingly determined love for Makoto,” while possessing notes of jasmine, rose, patchouli and Akigara wood. On the other hand, Sekai Saionji’s fragrance is described as “cute and feminine, with a vivid impression of elegant warmth” but also possessing “a touch of fragility.” This perfume has notes of freesia, orange, pink pepper, ginger, jasmine and musk.
It’s not common to see anime characters being represented through perfumes, but this is a pretty nifty product. All of these School Days fragrances have a 60 milliliter capacity and are priced at 4000 Japanese yen (or about $25) Although the coolest part is that you can also order a nylon bag that is based on Makoto’s blue bag that appears in one of the most disturbing and gory scenes in the entire series. Despite its dark origin, it looks quite nice and you can use it to store all 3 perfumes. This bag is priced at 2750 yen (or about $18).
Although these perfumes are currently only available in Japan, you can purchase them through Fairytail Parfum’s official site if you are interested. As strange as this product may seem, its existence doesn’t surprise us since, after all, School Days is one of the most iconic and popular romance anime, and still has thousands of fans today. If you haven’t seen it yet, remember that it is already available on the Anime Onegai streaming platform, with English dubbing and uncensored.
© STACK・School Days製作委員会 2007
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