The world of anime is known for having brought to the viewers a lot of stories with all kinds of spices, but also to be able to tell these, the characters are vital, being that in many cases the girls tend to impact a lot to the fans, that is why they are usually the main face when creating merchandise. But in the last hours, a publication in the networks caused a stir by showing a series of products that went much further, in this case some mousepads, which has as protagonists several girls of this world as Anya or Nezuko, but with a detail of the most disturbing in some cases.
These anime mousepads have caused a stir by placing “attributes” on characters such as Anya or Nezuko.
Through his Twitter/X account the user @mitsumefan surprised several people of that social network by sharing an image that started all kinds of debates, and is that in it you can see a shelf in which they are selling a variety of products, especially mousepads with motifs of known anime, more precisely characters. Up to that point nothing seems out of the ordinary, but it is those who recreates, as we can see familiar faces like Anya, Nezuko or Makomo, which has caused the astonishment, and even anger of many users on the social network.
And is that being mousepads, these are characterized by having a bulging area on the wrist, being that usually when using the image of a waifu or girl, the part of the “attributes” serves as a rest and what makes them stand out. But, the girls mentioned above, do not have an age in which this type of body should be developed in this way, showing them with very large “attributes”, even when they do not correspond to their age.
It is for this reason that comments were not long in coming, reopening the debate between fiction and reality when presenting products that seek to attract the attention of a much larger age group, where the “rikura” is usually the main attraction, and that such young girls are the protagonists has unsettled many. Even the number of these very young girls is quite noticeable because, although we see adults like Makima, Ganyu (who in the game is thousands of years old) or even Venti who is a male character, girls like Anya are the majority in terms of quantity.
Among the great tide of comments that this post generated we see those who quickly pointed out how most of these girls were too young to have this kind of products, being that this is the one that stands out the most among the great variety of messages. On the other hand, there were those more “veterans” who know this type of products and know first hand how there are generally no limits when it comes to recreate any type of character, no matter how they look or what their real age is.
Finally, this publication came as a response to another image, which showed more “common” mousepads within this type of shelves, with characters that are within the necessary age range to be recreated in this way, regardless of their gender. In addition, some comments also took the time to show much more compromising images of these products, where not only characters of all kinds are recreated, but they are in positions that leave very little to the imagination, so this publication gave much to talk about in the networks and anime communities.
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