Anime has stories for everyone, we can see a work full of action, know a world full of magic, travel to other territories and why not, witness a series full of comedy. We all like to have fun and know that there are series that its main objective is to make you smile, is something wonderful, that’s why a user on the Reddit platform started the debate by asking what is the best comedy anime, so hundreds of users gave their opinion.
What is the funniest anime according to otaku?
Anime is like colors, there is one for every taste, we know that comedy in Japan is somewhat different from what we are used to in western countries, but the great thing about all this is that comedy is subjective and something that amuses me may not amuse someone else.
This is something very interesting that was addressed in this Reddit community, some otaku commented “It doesn’t need to have the most intense plot, or billions of episodes, or even a second season. It needs to be fun.” Sometimes what a person wants is to disconnect from the world, anime also serves as an escape from stress and as this comment says, you don’t want to think, you just want to have fun.
Many users agreed with this message, because many of them are just looking to disconnect the brain and have a good time watching some absurd situations that make them smile, the author of this comment expressed that one of the many anime that make him feel this way is KonoSuba! An entertaining Isekai that everyone will remember for its famous truck scene and its protagonist. Can you imagine believing you lost your life in a heroic way, but it really wasn’t like that?
That’s what happened to our protagonist Kazuma Sato in this funny anime, this guy seeing how a girl was going to be run over by a truck decides to save her and perish in her place, to his surprise the truck stopped and he left in fright, did the girl needed to be saved? The answer is no, the truck was an old tractor that was going very slow and the girl was never in danger, the absurd and pathetic situation made everyone make fun of Kazuma, even the doctors who treated him and his family, never miss the mockery of the family.
“Definitely Grand Blue, I consider it very similar to Prison School in terms of the absurdity of the humor. KonoSuba! is also amazing, although S2 is much funnier than S1. You could try Kanojo mo Kanojo and even The 100 Girlfriends (which starts out hilarious, in my opinion). There is nothing that beats Prison School in terms of good humor for me, the first three episodes are the funniest I’ve ever seen”, this is another comment left by an internet user and the anime they mention were among the most repeated.
There are many well-known comedy works that for many are the best of this genre, among them are: Gintama with its humor, its incredible absurd scenes that break the fourth wall have earned it a worthy place among the great comedy anime, Nichijou with its absurd and everyday situations have brought many smiles to their viewers. Prison School, with its exaggerated “rikura” and its somewhat masochistic protagonists who were involved in various compromising situations, made this anime a work worthy of comedy.
Anime recommended or mentioned by fans are quite a few; “There is only one anime that has made me laugh out loud, and it did it twice. It is Azumanga Daioh”, “Detroit Metal City, if adult humor is on the table, then that one is an unknown gem”, “Full Metal Panic, hands down”, “My Bride is a Mermaid is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen”, these were some of the many comments left on the platform. Tell us, do you like comedy anime? And if so, which one is your favorite?
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