With its dark subversion of the magical girl genre, there is no doubt that Puella Magi Madoka Magica has been one of the most impactful anime of the last decade. However, and despite its cultural relevance, it has not been very well represented in the world of video games. But that is about to change, as a new title for mobile devices based on this iconic franchise has just been announced.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Magia Exedra to be released this 2024
The announcement was made through a new official Twitter account, which reveals that this new video game will be titled Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Magia Exedra. It is described as an “app”, which implies that this will be a video game for mobile devices. This makes a lot of sense, since this type of title is becoming increasingly popular among anime adaptations, especially thanks to the use of “Gacha” mechanics. Along with the announcement of Magia Exedra, two incredible illustrations made by Ume Aoki, the designer of the iconic characters of this franchise, were revealed.
Unfortunately, for now we don’t know much more about Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Magia Exedra. The only thing that was confirmed is that its official release is scheduled for 2024 and that it is being developed by two studios: PokeLabo and f4samurai. Both are of Japanese origin and have a lot of experience developing and maintaining mobile video games for companies like Sega Sammy. So Magia Exedra is definitely in good hands and, based on the excellent official artwork, we can assume that this new game will have some kind of action gameplay that will utilize the darker aspects of this story. Although we wouldn’t be surprised if it has a strong “gacha” element to get new characters.
One of the most curious aspects about Magia Exedra can be found at the end of the official site, where you can see an image of a strange green Kyubey in front of a mysterious door. In case you don’t remember, the being known as Kyubey is one of the most infamous characters in all of Madoka Magica, as he is the one who gives these magical girls their powers and usually fulfills the role of the main antagonist in almost the entire franchise. But the most well-known Kyubey is white, so everyone is wondering what’s so special about this new variant.
The news of the development of this new video game was well received by Madoka Magica fans, as it seems they were waiting for a new adaptation of this classic anime. On sites like Twitter or Otakomu we can find encouraging comments like: “Oh how early! It’s in less than a year!”, “I’m very curious to see what kind of game it will be”, “It looks like action, will it be in 3D?”, and “Is there a green Kyubey?!”, in reference to the new creature that already caught the attention of the whole community. We already want to see some gameplay to know exactly what kind of game it will be. In the meantime, we’ll keep you posted about it here at ANMO Sugoi.
© 2024 Magica Quartet/Aniplex, Proyecto Magia Exedra
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