Yuu Hashimoto’s cosplay, comedy and ecchi-themed manga, 2.5-jigen no Ririsa (2.5 Dimensional Seduction), has presented to the public the official cover of its 21st compilation volume. Additionally, the official website of the publisher Shueisha specified that this new volume of the manga 2.5-jigen no Ririsa is scheduled to be released for sale in bookstores and stores in Japan on October 4 of this year.
For this occasion, the cover of the new volume of the manga 2.5-jigen no Ririsa will feature the characters Ririsa Amano and Mikari Tachibana as Liliel and Miriella. Also, in the cover illustration we will be able to see how both characters are showing off an attractive swimsuit.
The manga 2.5- Jigen no Ririsa revealed the official cover of its 21st volume.
2.5-Jigen no Ririsa, also known as “2.5 Dimensional Seduction” in the West, is a manga created by the talented author and illustrator Yuu Hashimoto. This captivating manga began its publication in the pages of the Shonen Jump+ service, which is part of the renowned publisher Shueisha, back in June 2019.
Thanks to the manga’s good reception by the public, in the month of December 2022, the publisher Shueisha announced the production of an anime adaptation for the manga 2.5-Jigen no Ririsa.
The anime adaptation of the manga 2.5-Jigen no Ririsa began broadcasting in Japan on July 4 of this year. The renowned animation studio J.C. Staff is in charge of its production and it is legally broadcast in America on the Anime Onegai platform, with a English dubbing. The series will consist of a total of 24 episodes, which will be divided into 2 parts (cours).
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